Call Today to Schedule Your Free Roof Estimate 321-456-7709

It is generally recommended to replace your roof every 16 to 20 years; however, many homeowners dread the thought of getting a new roof because it can be a considerably large expense. Although, what you may not know is that the price of a roof replacement varies significantly based on the specific characteristics of your roof. Here is what you need to know about the cost of a new roof.

The Average Price of a New Roof

For most homeowners, a standard roof replacement will cost anywhere from $6,000 to $9,000. To calculate a more specific number relative to the size of your roof, an average roofing company will charge you anywhere from $4 to $6 for each square foot of roof that needs to be replaced. That said, no new roof is the same. Where you fall within this price range is based on many different factors about your individual roof.

Determining Your New Roof Replacement Costs

Figuring out the specific cost of your new roof is going to differ greatly depending on a few of your roof’s characteristics. These include:

Your final price will also vary based on the labor costs charged by the roofing company that you hire to install your new roof and whether or not your homeowner’s insurance can cover some of the costs.

Your Local New Roof Installation Experts

When it comes time to replace your roof, you’re going to want to hire a roofing expert to get the job done right. Your search ends with the roofing experts at Davis Roofing.

At Davis Roofing & Restoration, we are dedicated to serving you with high-quality roof repair, replacement, and roof restoration services. We are a local, family-owned construction business and have been serving the Central Florida area for over 30 years. We understand how vital the roof is to the integrity of your home and safety, so we only provide you with durable, dependable roofs that won’t break your budget. We can also help you file a claim with your insurance provider to help lower some of the costs of your new roof.

To schedule your complimentary roof inspection and to receive a free estimate from one of our roofing experts, call us at 407-436-4587 today.